Thursday, August 20, 2009

why do people feel the need???

Okay well I am a member on a number of forums, and never have I seen so much petty childlike behaviour in one particular forum (clearly I wont be naming and shaming but if your a member you will know what im talking about) FFS what you write on a forum should be no different to what you would say to that person if you were having a proper in real life conversation with them. Remember that not everyone deals with critisism, correction or negative comments the same way, what you say to one person may be taken completley out of context by the next person.

Respect peoples opinions and beliefs, by all means have your own and voice them when its appropriate but leave the childish school yard tacktics in the school yard.

On a totally unrelated topic, my best friend should be here any minute and then its random comedy for the next 5 hours...... BAMFAPALOOZA whoop whoop!!!!!!

Oh by the way, do you know the difference between erotic and kinky????

The answer in my next blog

love kisses and innapropriate gropes.

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